Thursday, April 26, 2012


What is your opinion on red hair (natural not dyed) on a girl? Do you like it or do you totaly hate it? Why? What is your hair color? (Please include your hair color in your answer. I think that is interesting to hear about other peoples hair styles.)

Im just wondering. I have red (not even close to orange, more like an arburn) hair and hazel eyes. I get freckles in the summer and I dont have very pale skin. But my skin is not very dark it is just average.

I just LOVE it when guys have dark, natural black hair. My crush has natural black hair and I think that it is so gorgeous! He also has light brown eyes that sparkle. He is just so amazing not just his features but his personality is fantatsic. Sorry sometimes when I start to talk about him I cant stop! Lol I could talk about Anthony all day. :-)


hi, my name is brittany and i have strawberry blonde hair which is down to my elbow, it it wavy and almost curly. i've gotten compliments on my hair since i was little. i absolutley love my hair. in my high school i'm known as the girl with teh thick ,wavy red hair. theres only a few percent of this world that it red heads and i love being so unqiue. there is a specail bond between redheads because like i said before they are unquie.. you fill the connection with the other red my opioin natural red hair is beatiful. and please never dye it. natural red hair is a thing to show off, and stand out by. thanks for letting me answer your question.



Red hair isn't that bad, I think few people can pull it off thou. I think if you have glamorous wavy hair and makeup then it looks breath taking. I have wavy strawberry blond hair and I always have people come up to me and tell me how beautiful my hair is.

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