I have light brown hair, and the other half has gorgeous dark auburn hair. Both his parents have red hair, but as far as I know there is no red hair on my side. What are the chances that our baby will have red hair?
Chances of having a red haired baby?
bout 85%
Chances of having a red haired baby?
78% chance of it being a red head
100% chance of freckles
Chances of having a red haired baby?
red hair would be the dominant colour. but you never know
Chances of having a red haired baby?
Very High....red is the more dominant colour.
Chances of having a red haired baby?
High chance if both his parents had ginger. Never mind, they might not, and if they did, its not a bad thing.
Chances of having a red haired baby?
You probably won't know what colour hair s/he will end up with until s/he is five or six. My eldest was born with jet black hair, and now at ten it is light brown. My son is blonde. I have dark brown hair, as does my husband (what's left of it). Red hair is distinctive and can be lovely. Every dye I put on my hair has red tones in it! If your child is unhappy with it as s/he grows up, there are always highlights!
Chances of having a red haired baby?
This is hard to say. It depends on both your genotypes. Brown is dominant and red is recessive, but several combinations of alleles can yield either hair color.
This is a simplified version of hair combinations
Alleles (one from each parent):
HBd = blonde
HBr = brown
hR = red
hbl = black
Possible Genotypes and Phenotypes:
HBd HBd = blonde
HBd HBr = mousy brown
HBd hR = strawberry blonde
HBd hbk = blonde
HBr HBr = brown
HBr hR = auburn
HBr hbk = brown
hR hR = red (orange)
hR hbk = red (orange)
hbk hbk = black
You really need to know which two alleles you have and which two your significant other has in order to calculate combination probabilities, and even then there are other factors. There is obviously some chance but I can't tell you how much
Chances of having a red haired baby?
the chances are better that both his parents have read hair, which makes red hair a double recessive genome, but it is still not above 70 percent. also there can be a red hair gene farther in your line that has been hidden by dominant traits.
Chances of having a red haired baby?
I have red hair, my wife has dark brown hair, my parents had brown hair, my two children have dark brown hair, my sister has red hair (her daughter has blond), BUT both my grandmothers had red hair.
I believe I had heard that red hair was a dominate/recessive gene in that that it passes on, but may not appear in every generation. For me I would guess that my grandchildren have a good chance of having red hair (hope so!).
Chances of having a red haired baby?
I have hair like your other half, and my wife has brown hair, i have a son with dark brown hair, twin girls one with dark brown and one as blonde as can be. my father was ginger.
Chances of having a red haired baby?
Approximately 25% but to give an accurate answer requires more information but I'll try based on the info available.
To keep the math simple let's assume that half your baby's genetic makeup comes from you and your partner, and that with each passing generation the influence decreased by 50%. This means that the constitution of your baby is...
Parents 50% (2 of, 25% from each)
Grandparents 25% (4 of, 6.25% from each)
Great Grandparents 12.5% (8 of, 1.5% from each)
Great Great Grandparents 6.25% (16 of, 0.4% from each)
You can see, for example, that each great-grandparent has a 1.5% influence on the child. So imagine everyone in the family had blonde hair apart from one great grandparent who had black hair. Then there's a 1.5% chance the baby will have black hair.
You have light brown hair so there's a 25% chance your baby will have light brown hair.
Your 'other half' has dark auburn so there's a 25% chance your baby will have dark auburn hair.
Both your 'other half's' grandparents have red hair, there's 2 of them and they contribute 12.5% each meaning your baby has a 25% chance of having redhair.
The hair color of your parents isn't known but whatever color hair your father has means your baby has a 12.5% chance of having the same color, and likewise there's a 12.5% chance of having the same color hair as your mother.
This is very simplified because it only takes into account you, your partner and your respective parents and totally ignores all your grandparents and beyond. It also ignores the fact that some colors are more likely than others.
To give an 80% accurate answer is easy, it involves long but simple equations but it is necessary to know the hair colour of all parents, grandpaprents and great grandparents. To get 90% accuracy would require knowing the hair color of all great-great-grandparents.
Chances of having a red haired baby?
The red hair will probably be the dominanat color in your baby, and the brown might be recessive in your baby. BUT YOU MAY NEVER know. Sometimes this can skip in a generation so lets say that- your great great great grandmother had red hair but your great grandmother didnt then then it's a possibility. But if no one every had red hair on your side and if anyone never had brown hair on your partners side then it's a 50% red and 50% brown.
So it's always different I will probably say that 70% red hair and 30% brown according to your statitics
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