Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My baby boy's hair color...?


My baby's father has brown hair but he has a son (with an ex) who has red hair.. the mother of his other son has brown hair too..

I am a redhead..

ANYWAYS.. Do you think my son will get my red hair or his father's brown hair?

My baby boy's hair color...?

Well, if he has another kid with red hair, he obviously carries the genes which make it possible.

Since you are a redhead, you carry two recessive genes, both for red hair. Since he has brown hair but has this child, he carries one recessive gene for red hair.

So to figure it out, it would go something like this:

B is brown and r is red, okay? His hair genes are represented by the row going across, and yours are represented by the ones going down. He is Br and you are rr.




So it's a 50/50 chance! There's a 25% chance of any of these combinations occurring. If he inherits the B gene from his father, it will be expressed, because it is dominant. If he doesn't the recessive r genes will be able to show.

It doesn't look right in this window, but draw a square and divide it into four. Write B above the top left part, r above the top right. Then r and another r going down the left side. Mix them as shown in the middle. Br represents brown hair and rr represents red hair. But no matter what, he will carry the gene for red hair.

My baby boy's hair color...?

I think red hair.

My baby boy's hair color...?

brown hair

My baby boy's hair color...?

Could be any way and it could be blonde, you have all the colors to create a blend

My baby boy's hair color...?

My vote is for the brown hair. But both are very likely, it seems.

My baby boy's hair color...?

What color hair do the husband's parents have and the grandparents?

It is highly possible the child may have red hair but it would be more interesting to know other family members coloring.

My baby boy's hair color...?

Usually genetics comes down to family history not just the parents. Example me and my wife both have dark hair, although I had blonde hair when I was younger I don't now. Our daughter has blonde hair and we still get people that tell us that they don't think our daughter is really ours even though she looks like me. I went through family photos and found out that my mother had lighter colored hair when she was younger even though her hair is dark brown now.

My baby boy's hair color...?

maybe your son hair have a colore between your hair color and your husband

My baby boy's hair color...?

Depends on what the grandparent's of this baby's hair color is as well. My parents have brown hair, green eyes- I ended up with the same... my two younger brothers both had blonde hair blue eyes, but the blonde hair turned a light light brown after a few yrs.

My baby boy's hair color...?

Brown hair is a dominant trait, red is recessive. If one of babydaddy's parents had red hair, there's a chance he could have red hair. If both of his parents are brunette, the chances become slimmer. If either of you has a parent w/ blond/e hair, there's a chance your son could be blond.

EG, my husband has sandy brown hair and I have brunette hair. His parents both had sandy hair, my father is a brunette and my mother is a redhead (though I believe most of that now is from a bottle ;)). My son has his dad's sandy brown hair and my daughter is a strawberry blonde.

The fun thing about genetics's a total crap shoot! Heh, I thought both my kids would be born w/ heads full of dark hair like I fact, I told him I would demand a maternity test if either of them were bald or blond/e. Turns out my son was pretty bald and my daughter had red hair!

I guess babies are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get!

My baby boy's hair color...?

If there is anyone mom's or dad's family that is blonde down the gene pool it could be blonde.

My prediction is brown hair.

My mom, grandfather and husband mom had Red, Red hair and non of my kids or my sisters kids came out with red hair.

Personally, I have always hoped one would have red hair, it is so beautiful.

My baby boy's hair color...?

All depends on the gene he gets. The red could have been passed down from his family or hers. Also a babies hair doesn't reach it color until like 6 months old. If could be born blond and end up with brown around 6 months of age. Same with the eyes.

More than likely I will say he will get brown.

My baby boy's hair color...?

maybe its your ex boyfriends kid

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