Monday, May 7, 2012

Why color your hair blonde if you are naturally beautiful with your OWN hair color?

A hair expert once said that the only "true blondes" are from Sweden, Denmark, and Switzerland. He also said that although some Americans were born with blonde hair, and especially females, that at between 14 and 17 years of age, their hair would start turning brown.

Well. we go in any beauty supply outlet and we can find nearly 30 different shades of blonde hair dye. Brunette hair dye may have 10 or 14 shades. Red hair dye maybe 10..

The turth is, many fake (but so-called) blondes do not remember that other people can see those dark roots; If you want to be blonde and you're not, always remember the roots.

Also remember that your natural brunette, brown or red hair can be just as attractive in its natural state as a natural blonde

There is nothing any less attractive than a woman with dark roots attached to a cascade of fake blonde hair.

Why color your hair blonde if you are naturally beautiful with your OWN hair color?

Especially if it is obvious that it is colored. Besides, it seems that more often than not, they look better with their natural hair color. I, myself, have sandy blond hair naturally, and when I dye it any color between light auburn to dark brown, I always get compliments from family and friends and sometimes even strangers (and I like it better on me, too!).

Why color your hair blonde if you are naturally beautiful with your OWN hair color?


Why color your hair blonde if you are naturally beautiful with your OWN hair color?

I agree. Especially when the dark roots are showing!

Why color your hair blonde if you are naturally beautiful with your OWN hair color?


Why color your hair blonde if you are naturally beautiful with your OWN hair color?


Why color your hair blonde if you are naturally beautiful with your OWN hair color?

the thing is, people notice blondes more. if a blonde and a brunette walk into a party, people will notice the blonde more simply because her hair is lighter and stands out. it isnt neccesarily more beautiful, but it certainly is more eye-catching.

Why color your hair blonde if you are naturally beautiful with your OWN hair color?

i agree. if you want a new look, why not add some subtle highlights or lowlights to complement your skin tone without looking fake?

Why color your hair blonde if you are naturally beautiful with your OWN hair color?

Some women like the trashy look I guess. We color our hair beause it is FUN FUN!!

Why color your hair blonde if you are naturally beautiful with your OWN hair color?

hello..i am naturally Blonde and im from Ireland AND i dont have whatever that hair expert said aint 100% true!

Why color your hair blonde if you are naturally beautiful with your OWN hair color?

Because Natural = Boring, and being bleached blonde is as unnatural as it gets.

Why color your hair blonde if you are naturally beautiful with your OWN hair color?

Well I think that a person should be able to dye their hair as they wish. It is only hair and if a blonde becomes a brunette or vice a versa then so be it.

I believe in pleaseing yourself on such trivial matters not other people.

Why color your hair blonde if you are naturally beautiful with your OWN hair color?

i agree with you. see i have dark, dark brown hair. i dont really mind it. highlights would be cute but i have never thought of dying my whole hair brown. the only people that blonde hair looks nice on is if their hair is naturally blonde. all those wannabe blonde's hairs look so unnatarul.

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