Saturday, May 5, 2012

Invisible hair!?

Alright well I'm 14 years old and i think i have recently started puberty but I'm not sure when but it was less than a year ago thats for sure. Most people in my class oddly seem to have brown or black hair. There are only 2 people in my class with none dark hair. Me with blond hair and some strange looking ginger kid with red hair. I DO have leg hair even tho it's not all curly and crap like it will get and the same with arm hair. Everyone seems to have brown hair so you can see there hair but i have very light hair so you can hardly see it at all but there is a good amount. I also noticed my first stubled arm pit hairs 2 weeks ago and now in the splotch there at least 1 or 2 centimetre long but also in the locker rooms nobody sees it. I have a small amount of pubic hair but not a lot and thats black...can you explain that to me? Anyway i'm tired of people calling me prepubecent! I know it seems like it because i have an 8 year olds voice but everything else is starting to change.

Invisible hair!?

honestly it doesnt matter

but if you care enough, take the next person who calls you that's head and shove it in your armpit until the see it

Invisible hair!?

lol 14 is not prepubescent!!! dont worry..they're just jealous

Invisible hair!?

you will keep nice youngish for many years longer than them, with fair hair, you can laugh in there face,

Invisible hair!?

ha,ha dont know you have to show me,,,,wink

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