Monday, May 7, 2012

What color of hair and eyes.......?

do you think my baby will have. I am very curious with this genetic dominant and recessive traits. My Husband has red hair and brown eyes which is very rare, in genetic terms. I am blond hair and blue eyes. Both red hair and blonde hair are recessive. Brown eyes are dominant over blue eyes. Blond hair and brown eyes is VERY rare and another occurrence of red hair and brown eyes to the offspring is even rarer than the fact the father has it. What color do you think the childs hair and eyes will be? His parents were brown/brown and black brown. my parents are blonde/green and brown/blue. I dont care what my child has I am just interested in the genetics here. I am guessing brown/brown

What color of hair and eyes.......?

odds are 2/1 that they will be brown I calculated myself. But the bey2 and gey genes responsible for eye color are far more complex that that.

A parent with bey2 alleles of brown-brown and gey alleles of blue-blue would have brown eyes. If this parent mated with a blue eyed partner (bey2=blue-blue, gey=blue-blue) then all of their children would have brown eyes and a genotype of (bey2=brown-blue, gey=blue-blue) These offspring would carry blue alleles and themselves be capable of having children with blue eyes.

But that is not general it depends on what what type of alleles your blue and his brown is made of.

There are 4 cases: In the first one, the most common you get a 6% chance of having a blue eyed baby. The second one 25% and the third one 25%. The fourth and final one gives you a 50% chance of having a blue eyed baby (Parent 1: Brown Eyes, Genotype: bey2: Brown-blue, gey:blue-blue

Parent 2: Blue Eyes, Genotype: bey2: blue-blue, gey:blue-blue).

If you are into genetics and know exactly what kind of alleles you and your partner have go here:

based on your description I would say you have the third case that means you have a 1 in 4 chance of having a blue eyed baby.

What color of hair and eyes.......?

who knows? kids always manage to surprise you, no matter how young they are!!!! haha

What color of hair and eyes.......?

odds are you'll get brown brown.

but anything is possible. when it comes to eye color, it's possible that your husbands parents may have had recessive genes for blue eyes that they passed on to him.

i'm always interested in that stuff as well.

Somehow i turned out with red hair, brown eyes and an olive complexion!

good luck with the birth!

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